Job hunting

Tools and advice to support your job search.

Tips for your CV, online profiles, finding jobs, retraining and interviews

Job Hunters’ Workbook —

The Job Hunters’ Workbook helps you find support to get through. You’ll find tips for your CV, online profiles, finding jobs, retraining and interviews.

About What it's about

How to get through redundancy, job hunt, get into work or find study options.

  • Links to organisations that can help with mental health support
  • The job hunting process, CV tips and a template
  • Tips for creating an online profile
  • How to fill in applications and network with employers
  • Interview questions and advice
  • Advice on study and retraining options if you want a career change.

Who Who it's for

People who have lost work, or finding it hard to get a job.

Information on what jobs are in demand

Information on what’s happening in the job market —

Knowing what jobs are in demand can help you plan your career. Find out the latest labour market information.

About What it's about

Jobs in demand.

  • Statistics on employment in New Zealand.
  • Immigration skill shortage lists.
  • Information on jobs in demand and where they are in demand.
  • Statistics on industries that have lost jobs, or have jobs.
  • Information about potential future jobs in demand.

Who Who it's for

People who are planning their careers, lost work or want to advise someone planning their career.

CV templates, networking tips, interview questions and advice on job hunting

Job hunting resources —

Job hunting's easy with these CV templates, networking tips, interview questions, labour market information and advice on what you need to do when you get that job offer.

About What it's about

Everything about finding and applying for jobs.

  • A list of job vacancy and recruitment websites
  • Interactive Job Hunters’ Workbook and ebooks for new job hunters
  • CV and cover letter templates
  • How to fill in online profiles, applications and network with employers
  • Interview questions and advice
  • Labour market information on what jobs are in demand
  • Tips for migrants new to New Zealand

Who Who it's for

New Zealanders and recent migrants looking for work.

How to write a CV

How do I write a CV? — Ministry of Education

Learn how to write a CV that is easy to read and shows off your best self!

About What it's about

Learn how to write a CV that is to-the-point and that shows off your best self, skills and experience.

This website offers advice on how to promote your best self to an employer through your CV, information on what to include and what to avoid, and handy template resources that make CV-building a breeze! This resource is also translated into both English and Māori.

Who Who it's for

All young people who are applying for, or considering applying for employment.

CV templates and tips for CVs and cover letters

CVs and cover letters — Ministry of Social Development

Work and Income can help with templates and tips for your CV, cover letter and job application.

About What it's about

Your CV and cover letter is vital to your job search. They tell an employer what you've done and what you're good at. These templates and tips will help create a CV and cover letter to support your job search.

Get tips on how to write a CV or cover letter, or use one of the templates that come in PDF, Word, Open Office or Pages format.

Who Who it's for

People looking for work who want some help with their CV, cover letter or job application.

Prepare for a job interview

Ministry of Education

Learn how to prepare for a job interview! Discover how to research the employer beforehand, act during the interview, how to dress, and how to follow-up post-interview to showcase your best self!

About What it's about

This resource can help you prepare for a job interview. Find out how to present yourself, and what to do before, during and after the interview. Learn techniques that can make your interview stand out!

Advice, tips and tricks to present your best possible self to an employer. This website also links to other helpful resources, and is translated into both English and Māori.

Who Who it's for

All young people who are applying for, or considering applying for employment.

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