Advice for parents, families and whānau

Links to help choose the next stage in a student's study or training journey.

Where to next?

Leaving school is a big step, and your young person needs your help. Find out how to support them to choose their work or study options, and get ready for life after school.

What it's about

How to support young people to choose a work or study option after school, sort out their money, accommodation and get work ready.

Who it's for

Parents, caregivers and whānau of secondary school leavers.

What it offers

Ideas for exploring career options Conversation tips for discussing career options Toolkits to help your young person prepare for their life outside the home, work and study.

Parents and whānau career resources

Explore resources to help your family/whānau plan their careers or find work.

What it's about

You’ll find tips on helping your young person with NCEA, planning careers and getting prepared to leave school. You’ll also find advice on how to improve their literacy and numeracy.

Who it's for

The resources are for parents and whānau to help their young people with NCEA and career decisions.

What it offers

You can find information on what NCEA is, how to plan careers and conversation tips for preparing your young person to leave school. Included are links to people that can help you, such as numeracy and literacy tutors.

About further education and training options

Ministry of Education

As your child gets to senior secondary school, they will start to think about what they want to do after school. There are options for more study, getting prepared for work, on-the-job training and more.

What it's about

Find out more about the range of opportunities available, including tertiary study, vocational training, apprenticeships and on-the-job training.

Who it's for

Parents and carers who wish to explore further education and training options.

What it offers

This resource can help answer questions such as:

  • What are the education options after secondary school?
  • What are the tertiary qualification levels?
  • How much does it cost?

Different types of tertiary provider

Ministry of Education

Check out this overview of tertiary and further education providers for more information about your education options after secondary school.

What it's about

Find out more about what post-school education opportunities are available in New Zealand. From wānanga to universities, there are a wide range of providers out there.

Who it's for

Practical information for parents and carers on the options available for students thinking of further education beyond school.

What it offers

Useful information and links to help parents and carers understand about the options for universities, institutes of technology and polytechnics, wānanga, private training establishments (PTEs) and government training establishments.

About secondary school

Ministry of Education

Information and links on the for parents and carers to help choose a school and subjects, understand NCEA, help your teenager succeed and stay involved yourself.

What it's about

In this section you'll find information and links for parents and carers to help choose a school and subjects, understand NCEA, help your teenager succeed and stay involved yourself.

Who it's for

Parents and carers of students undertaking Year’s 9-13 at secondary schools in New Zealand.

What it offers

Useful information and links to help parents and carers understand about the options for secondary schooling in NZ, how they can support and be involved in learning at home and in school, and useful information to support wellbeing.

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