Running your business

Find a range of employment advice and tools for businesses to support staff. website brings information and advice from across government and industry to one place to help small to medium businesses get started, growing, and get the best out of your business no matter what stage you’re at. 

About What it's about

The website provides tools, expert advice, and more, with a focus on the pain points of small business. Their tools cover everything including:

You’ll find everything you need to help your business to thrive. Check it out!

Who Who it's for

The website is free to use for any member of the public. It is designed for small to medium businesses at any stage and any business structure. But anyone can use the resources.

Regional Business Partner Network

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and Callaghan Innovation

The RBP network can support you in both business recovery and growth. Businesses can access resources and support in areas such as: HR, health and wellbeing, business continuity, cashflow and finance management, strategy and digital capability. As well as support for management training services to build capability.

About What it's about

Supporting businesses to recover and grow, with a range of resources such as expert advisory services.

Who Who it's for

Businesses who are GST registered, have a New Zealand Businesses Number and fewer than 50 full time equivalent employees.

Offers What it offers

A discussion with a RBP Growth Advisor to identify the support needed, connections to providers and if eligible, funding to access expert advisory services.

Cashflow forecasting tool

Cash flow is critical to every business, showing what's coming in and going out. Forecasting your cash flow helps you understand your business's financial health.

About What it's about

It is important to know what your business' cash flow looks like.

Who Who it's for

All business owners.

Offers What it offers

Describe your financial position and the changes you expect. We'll help you forecast your cash flow.

Getting investment for your purpose led business

Starting or growing a purpose-led business takes money. If you need more than you have, you could consider getting an investment. You can find out how to decide on investment here.

About What it's about

This page has tips, expert advice, and case studies to help you gain investment for your purpose-led business.

If you’re new to investment, this resource is extremely helpful in assuring you are prepared to take it on.

Who Who it's for is free to use by any member of the public. The content is designed with New Zealand small businesses front of mind.  

Employment Mediation Service

Employment New Zealand

Use Employment New Zealand’s free mediation service to resolve employment relationship problem in a confidential manner.

About What it's about

Employment New Zealand provides a free mediation service to help employers and employees resolve their employment relationship problems in a confidential manner.

Mediators can assist employers and employees to find their own solution to employment relationship problems.

Who Who it's for

Anyone involved in an employment problem, including migrants, students, people on temporary working visas, contractors and representatives.

Early Resolution

Employment New Zealand

The Early Resolution Service within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is a free phone-based service for employees and employers providing assistance to resolve a workplace issue early, quickly, and informally, before it becomes too serious or needs a more formal process.

About What it's about

Early Resolution assistance might involve: 

  • speaking with you and the other party to understand what has happened and what is important for each of you
  • making sure everyone is fully informed with relevant information
  • arranging a discussion to see if a resolution could be reached
  • helping to negotiate an agreed outcome
  • referring you to a more appropriate agency if that would help. 

Who Who it's for

Early Resolution is available and free to use for both employees and employers.


Offers What it offers

Early Resolution is a free phone-based service, and is available to both employers and employees. The online enquiry and booking process is easy to use. Any information provided will be treated as confidential.

When to hire staff has a resource to assist you when you’re looking to hiring staff and when the timing is right.

About What it's about

Taking on an extra set of hands can be a great move, give you time to concentrate on the important things and help you grow your business. 

Find guidance on assessing if you’re ready to hire, deciding on the role and check out a case study. You can also use the Employee Cost Calculator to add up the true costs of hiring staff before you take the step.

Who Who it's for is free to use by any member of the public. The content is designed with New Zealand small businesses front of mind.

Overview of the hiring process has an overview of the hiring process to guide you through the process of adding new people to your team.

About What it's about

The hiring overview has:

  • tips
  • a visual step-by-step guide to hiring
  • a checklist of tasks
  • a quiz on employment basics

 Designed to help small businesses be prepared to grow and efficiently start hiring staff.

Who Who it's for is free to use by any member of the public. The content is designed with New Zealand small businesses front of mind.     

Hiring graduates

Each year, a fresh batch of students finish their studies and start looking for work. Understand a graduate’s needs and what they’re looking for in an employer.

About What it's about

Harness the best of a graduate, by understanding their needs and what they’re looking for in an employer.

Who Who it's for

All employers.

Offers What it offers

Learn what today's graduates look for when choosing a new place of work.

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