COVID-19 business support

Programmes and initiatives that can support your Covid-19 recovery

Funding to support regional economies and create jobs

Grow Regions — Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

The Provincial Growth Fund has allocated $600 million to support regional economies as they recover from COVID-19.

What it's about

Investment will be made in projects that meet three objectives:

  • Jobs – immediate redeployment and new employment opportunities and income growth.
  • Timelines – projects will need to begin as soon as possible.
  • Visibility – to give confidence that recovery is underway.

Funding for a wide range of projects that are central to regional economies.

Who it's for

Projects that provide longer term benefits to the community, support productivity and strengthen crucial infrastructure.

Funding to create jobs to help the environment

Environment funds — Ministry for the Environment

The Ministry for the Environment has $433 million to support initiatives that provide employment opportunities to restore wetlands, rivers and streams to health, regenerate native bush and control pests and weeds.

What it's about

It is an investment  to support local government, iwi, community groups and all New Zealanders to take environmental action to significantly improve our freshwater and support our regional economic recovery.

Who it's for

Legal entities that meet the criteria. Legal entities include councils, territorial authorities, charitable trusts, incorporated societies and limited partnerships. These entities may in turn call on local businesses or contractors to carry out or support the work involved and in so doing create jobs.

What it offers

Recipients of the Ministry’s environment funds are responsible for managing recruitment and may advertise for environment jobs to support the delivery of their projects. 

You can find out more about the successful recipients via the Ministry for the Environment website.

Mahi mō te Taiao: Nature-based jobs

Mahi mō te Taiao — Department of Conservation

Department of Conservation (DOC) is identifying projects that will create jobs and benefit conservation. More information will be available soon on the projects that have been approved for businesses to be involved in.

What it's about

DOC is creating jobs on private land and public conservation land. The work involves predator control, restoring wetlands, regenerative planting and improvements to tracks, huts and other amenities. These will be advertised through partners and information will be updated on the DOC website as projects are confirmed.

Who it's for

There will be jobs for people with specialised skills like project management, as well as more general skills like pest control, planting and weeding.

What it offers

Most of the jobs will be temporary, giving people the opportunity to go back to previous jobs once the business has recovered. In some cases training will be provided, offering the opportunity to learn new skills.

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